BDCC response to the proposal for Double Yellow Lines on Lothian Street

Added by BDCC at 18:33 on 21 April 2023

Further to the Council proposal to make a new Order to apply Double Yellow Line waiting restrictions along the length of the A6094 Lothian Street, Bonnyrigg between Douglas Crescent and Eldindean Road. The proposal was discussed at the BDCC meeting on 13 April. Cllr Alexander said the proposal was ...

Midlothian Local Development Plan 2

Added by BDCC at 19:44 on 18 April 2023

Midlothian Local Development Plan 2 (MDLP2) Every Council has to prepare a Local Development Plan for their area. The Council's Planning Committee on 28 February 2023 endorsed the start of the review of the current Midlothian Local Development Plan (2017) (MLDP) and preparation of its replacemen...

Lasswade Primary School - Vehicle access

Added by BDCC at 14:37 on 27 February 2023

Midlothian Council has updated the legislation relating to vehicle access to Lasswade Primary School at certain times Details are shown on the attached documents. /file/3-Transport-and-Roads/Lasswade-PS/R5.3.86-Lasswade-PS-Car-Park-Access-Made-Order-NS.pdf /file/3-Transport-and-Roads/Lasswade-PS/R5....