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Midlothian Council Consultations

This page has links to the various consultations or debates which the Council initiates. Take a look at the consultations and make your views known.  The links will open a new window on your computer.

Current Consultations and links are as follows:

Community Learning and Development priorities for next 3 years 


We want your views on what you think the priorities and actions should be that will help us shape our CLD Plan for Midlothian from September 2024 to September 2027.

Closing date

30 August 2024

Survey to complete

Please complete our questionnaire



'On the Move Midlothian: Our Active Travel Strategy for Everyone’ 

The Council want to hear your views on the latest draft of ‘On the Move Midlothian: Our Active Travel Strategy for Everyone’.

Further information and the link to the survey can be found at:

The closing date is 22 July 2024.


Draft Development Plan 16

This is the draft Development Plan Scheme Number 16 (DPS16) for Midlothian. The DPS sets out Midlothian Council’s programme for preparing the next Midlothian Local Development Plan (MLDP2). The DPS also includes a Participation Statement, which outlines future engagement on MLDP2.

Complete the survey at the following link by 1 March 25

Consultation details and survey to complete on citizenspace

Midlothian Employability Services - 2024
  • Consultation

    The Scottish Government has given our Local Employability Partnership (LEP) funding to support people to get a job, or get a better job, and to support employers to give paid experiences to local people. We offer this support across Midlothian through the Council and our partners.

    If you have been supported to get a job, or taken steps towards getting a job, or support to get into education, training or volunteering we would like to hear about your experience.

  • Closing date

    31 March 2025

  • How to get involved

    Fill in the Citizen Space survey

    Your responses will help us to shape the employability support services in Midlothian.


A list of Closed Consultations can be found at Closed Consultations 


Scottish Government Consultations

Find and take part in consultations. You can also view published responses and analysis. You can view current consultations at the following link:  Scottish Government Consultations



